Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Egg-cellent Salad

I am not sure if you noticed but todays recipe is for egg salad! I got sick of eating my eggs plain or with salsa so I have made a recipe for egg salad that is very tasty.

4 hard boiled eggs
1/4 cup of cottage cheese
1 tsp whole grain dijon mustard (you could really use any mustard you have in the fridge)
1 tbls juice from the cottage cheese
Celery and onion chopped fine if you like that sort of thing
Salt and pepper to taste

In a food processor or bowl mash up 1 cooked egg yolk, mustard, cottage cheese, and the cottage cheeze juice. Chop the 4 hard boiled eggs up (this includes the one without the yolk) and stir them into the first mixture. If you are adding celery and onion to the mix this would be the time to do so. Add salt and pepper to taste.

I like to eat this dish on a lettuce leaf or straight out of the bowl. For me this is one serving and I often will get rid of a few of the yolks depending on how many eggs I have eaten that day. I hate people who try to trick you into eating healthy but this is one of those recipes that you wouldn't know the difference between it and a recipe made with mayo.


  1. I am going to try this today for breakfast Sounds delish. Thanks for sharing!
